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"It was well structured with all points covered, the facilitator moved it forward without dragging things out or over hurrying matters, and coped well with the individual questions asked"
-Type 2 Diabetes Workshop

"Knowledgeable and easy to talk to. Had an informative and interactive session. The slides which explained hypertension and cholesterol with pictures were very useful. Thank you"
-Hypertension and Cholesterol Workshop
"Excellent session! I am hoping that all peri-menopausal ladies will be offered this course as I feel it will empower their decision making and clarify what is normal and how to manage symptoms best"
-Menopause Workshop

"It clarified the health disadvantages of having diabetes such as heart attacks, amputations and sight loss and therefore crystallized the absolute necessity of reducing blood sugar levels. I think it gave me more motivation to eat more healthily in particular and to also be more active. Obviously I have read about the condition before but discussing it openly with a medical practitioner is more effective at getting the message across"
-Pre Diabetes Workshop
"It was helpful to discuss. I had never had anyone tell me about HRT options and ways you can take it and that it is possible to look at editing dose - it was helpful to think about how to address this and how to get some support from my surgery"
-Menopause Workshop
"The workshop made me to be aware of the implications of having poor diet and making me improve and discipline myself to have a better lifestyle and prevent my condition to progress in fully controlled diabetes"
-Pre Diabetes Workshop

"Thank you very much for the details information about diabetes that was sent via email after the course. I am so impressed by the amount of useful, good quality information that I attained in such a small space of time. I would definitely recommend this course to my friends and family."
-Type 2 Diabetes Workshop

"Excellent facilitator and engaging. Listened well and explained conditions and solutions to try with the group"
-Hypertension and Cholesterol Workshop

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