Workshop FAQs
How long is a workshop?
Our workshops are two hours long
Do I have to stay for the whole workshop or can I leave early?
It is strongly recommended you stay for the whole workshop to gain the most benefit from the experience.
Is this a one-off commitment?
Most of our workshops are one off sessions but can be attended more than once you feel you would like to attend again. The exception is our Diabetes workshops which have three stages, but this is not a commitment for you to attend all of them, it just recommended to get the most out of the sessions.
Who facilitates these workshops?
They are all run by health professionals from around Hillingdon. This includes GPs from local surgeries.
What makes these different from other education workshops?
Because our workshops are run by health professionals, you get the chance to ask any questions relating to your long term condition that you would normally not get time for in a usual GP appointment.
Can I attend more than once?
Yes, you’re welcome to attend our workshops more than once.
Do you do weekends and evenings?
Yes, we offer both weekends and evenings so we can accommodate anyone. If there is no suitable time or date, please get in touch with the team who will be more than happy to help.
How many people are there in a group?
Most of our workshops are between 10 and 15 people in a group.
Do I need my surgery to refer me?
No. The best way is to book yourself onto a workshop through this website, or alternatively you can give our MyHealth team a call to book this on your behalf.
Where are the workshops run?
Our workshops are run both face to face at local venues all across Hillingdon and run online through the platform Zoom. If you would like a face-to-face appointment please contact the team who will look to see the next date and where it is being held.